Why can't I finish my play? It's never been an issue until this current play. I've never been prolific, but since I started finishing plays, I've never had nothing.
Of course, non-writers are chock full of advice. To them, I say, Offer no advice, unless asked. And writers who've never been blocked, please don't tell me what you do.
I'm full of oh, that won't work advice for myself. But one idea just occurred to me. People are always saying write it out in one way or another. Of course, when you are blocked, it's like telling a depressed person to exercise to make them feel better. Ain't happening. However, since I've been doing this silly blog thing, telling stories for myself and my five readers, I've been writing- just not playwrighting. So, here's my thought… Use this blog to write it out. just not as a play.