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Posts Tagged ‘fear’

Stories I Tell Myself

Sunday, December 18th, 2016

For all the artists who didn't.

And all the artists who did.

This HowlRound article about motherhood and theater got me thinking, about the paths not taken, about fear, about motherhood.

I think about all the things I didn't do and why not.  Here's what I tell myself:

  • In college, I gave up acting for directing because of the fear of rejection.
  • I fell in love with directing.
  • I needed a full time job for the benefits. The one time I went without benefits, I broke my hand. So, I got a job with benefits.
  • I gave up directing because I couldn't work a full time job and direct. (Why not? Because that's what I told myself.)
  • I started writing plays because they didn't require the rehearsal time commitment, but being a writer requires self-discipline. I'm good with a deadline, but not self-imposed deadlines. (Why not? Because that's what I told myself.)
  • I didn't pursue theater because I may want a family and I knew I couldn't do both. (Why not? Because that's what I told myself.)
  • I didn't have a family because it would mess with my theater and I knew I couldn't do both. (Why not? Because that's what I told myself.)

Am I a reliable narrator of my own life? (more…)

From Too Many Larrys to So Many Janes

Friday, November 26th, 2010

Long form scared the poop out of me. But the loverly folk at Impro Theatre are breaking me of that.

In San Francisco I mostly performed BarProv with Too Many Larrys. With occasional RadioProv on Liberation Radio. And very occasional long-form with The Escape Artists.

If memory serves, The Escape Artists started strong at the very first San Francisco Theater Festival. We asked for a suggestion of a playwright and received "Tennessee Williams." Then we asked for a location where this playwright would NOT have placed a play, and we received "Internet Cafe." I don't remember much from that performance, except a love affair with the inimitable Fred Wickham. That's the last positive experience I remember with long-form, until my show with Tuesday night class performing a 50 minute play in the style of Jane Austen.

I liked performing Jane way more than I thought I would. I was chock full of dread. I never thought I'd be able to pull off the girlishness and the story line. And yet I (really "we" — me and my amazing class) did it much to my astonishment.